+ =

I admit: this equation does indeed have more than one solution – the result could just as well have been But it wasn't. And that's why the maximum mash-up for all geeks trying hard to keep up with the latest hype(s) enters the stage with a noisy, frightening BANG. There are many old sayings perfectly describing this delicate situation: An RSS feed in the aggregator is worth two in a web / A site and its RSS feed are soon parted & Better a big aggregator on a little domain than a little content on many sites. Can you smell where I'm getting at? Indeed: datadirt proudly presents:!

In case you have any questions about this new mash-up (which is so fresh and cool that even TechCrunch hasn't mentioned it yet) there is a dedicated contact address. I made an old dream come true and got me an e-mail address which is really easy to remember. (if domain.length < 63 chars than domain = NOT):

In case you want an address (as a forward to an existing mailbox), just drop me a message.

2 replies
  1. hayley
    hayley says:

    hey so recently i got my formspring hacked. in the past 3 weeks i have gotten over 300 you see why i would get mad that somebody hacked my formspring and went on my friends formsprings and sent horrible messages to them i would never write!!so my question here is how do i hack into those peoples formsprings and take off my messages. :( PLEASE HELP ME!!!


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